Lietuvos mokslų akademijos mažojoje konferencijų salėje vykęs prof. Antano Andrijausko sudarytos knygos "Lietuvos žydų kultūros paveldas: kasdienybės pasaulis" pristatymas
The witness trees : Lithuania / by Myra Sklarew ; translated into Yiddish by David Wolpe.

The Witness Trees tells through poetry, eyewitness accounts, and a moving historical narrative the tangled web of lithuanian Jewishhistory. David Wolpe, a powerful Yiddish poet and writer, reports on the events during the summer of 1941 when the Jews of Keidan, a Lithuanian shetl [village], were systematically massacred by local townspeople. He was one of the few survivors when 2, 076 men, women, and children perished and he describes in detail how a relatively cooperative and amicable community became a killing field.
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